Ofroj pune


Praktikant në App Development

EagelOrbit IT Solutions L.L.C. mundëson studentëve dhe personave të interesuar, zhvillimin e praktikës vullnetare në Web Development.
Përshkrimi i Punës
Dizajneri i uebit pritet të dizajne profesionale dhe kreative për Webfaqe dhe Web Aplikacione të ndryshme.

Përvojë pune e dëshmuar si Web Designer Aftësi demonstruese të dizajnit grafik me një portofol të fortë Përvojë e fortë në krijimin e web dizajneve.

Kohëzgjatja e Praktikës: Praktika do të zgjasë tre muaj.

Vëmendje: Vetëm fituesit e përzgjedhur për praktike do të lajmërohen!

Praktika është pa pagesë.

Emaili për Aplikim: [email protected]
Aplikimi duhet të bëhet përmes Emailit duke shprehur në email interesimin tuaj dhe eksperiencën tuaj dhe detajet të tjera si dhe duke bashkangjitur një CV dhe një Letër Motivimi që bazohet në shpalljen konkrete.
Vërejtje: Vetem aplikimet serioze dhe të plota si lartcekur, do të pranohen në shqyrtim, të tjerat nuk do shqyrtohen fare.

Praktikantet duhet të kenë njohuri bazë në shkathtësitë të cekura më poshtë:

● A bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design or a related field.
● Experience in Mobile UI/UX design.
● Excellent understanding of user-experience design for mobile and the web, technology trends, demonstrable design skills, and ability to show relevant work.
● Expert level skills in Figma, Sketch or Adobe XD, familiar with the Adobe family pack (Photoshop, Illustrator) and prototyping tools such as Zeplin, InVision.
● Deep understanding of Apple’s human interface design guidelines, Android design and other mobile platform designs, including Google’s material design.
● Excellent communication skills and can clearly articulate your ideas, designs, and suggestions.
● Additional qualifications include Translating ideas and concepts into world class designs for native IOS and Android applications by crafting journey maps, user flows, wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mock-ups.
● Creating useful design documentation that communicates the design and specifications to developers.
● A team player who can easily adapt in a rapidly changing environment.
Your job duties include creating intuitive web application designs, developing fully functional apps, and testing the apps to ensure they work properly on all screen sizes. Some of the responsibilities as below:
1. Develop intuitive, usable, and engaging interactions and visual designs for mobile.
2. Participate in the development process from definition, through design, build, test, release, and maintenance.
3. Provide strategic thinking and leadership.
4. Collaborate with cross-functional teams throughout the design process.
5. Staying in the loop and on top of the latest standards, changes, trends in the mobile design field.
6. Research and track advancements in mobile application design patterns.
7. Break any design problem down into viable actionable chunks and solve them with clarity and precision.
8. Designing interfaces for iOS and Android applications.
9. Presenting user interface concepts and designs clearly for implementation.
10. Working closely with Front-end engineers to ensure that design requirements are met.
11. Maintaining design consistency via the use of style guides, style sheets and ensuring that established standards and best practices are followed.
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