Ofroj pun / Java Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pune / Angular Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pune / ReactJS Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pun / NET Developer

Dafina Shala

Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job; you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

D.P.Z NITI ofron pune per puntore ne pastrimin kimik, preferohet te ket njohuri edhe ne rrobaqepsi, mosha e preferuar 25-35 vjeçe, kushtet e punes jane te mira, orari dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes. Adresa Mbi Kurriz...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

MONUM ofron pune per punetor/e, kamarier/e, shanksit/e, ndihmes/e kuzhine, kushtet e punes jane te mira, te interesuarit te kontkatojn ne numer telfoni, orari dhe pagesa sipas marrveshjes, Adresa Sheshi Isa Boletini ne qender te Mitrovices.

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Ordinanca Stomatologjike ORTODENT VS, shpall konkurs per dy vende pune per Asistente Stomatolgu dhe Doktorr te Stomatologjis. Kushtet qe kerkohen jane: te ken liçenc valide e per Infermieris duhet tjet Moter Medicinale ose Laborant Stomatologjie,...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Ofroj pune per nje kujdestare/femer per perkujdesjene e vjazes 1 vjeçe e 2 muaj, orari i punes eshte 4 here ne javte nga 5 ore pune ne dite, te interesuarat duhet te ken pervoj pune...

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Ofroj pune per nje ndihmse ne punet e shtepis 2 her ne javt nga 4 ore pune ne dite, pagesa sipas marrveshjes, Adresa rruga Ahmet Krasniqi lagjja Arberi ne Prishtine.

Ofroj pune

Dërguesi i shpalljes

Vizion Prishtina Car Rental ofron pune per nje punetore/femer, kandidatja duhet te posedoj leje qarkullimi, te ket njohuri rreth punes adminstrative, te komunikoj me klinet per mes telefoni, kushtet e punes jane te mira, per...